A feature in Women’s Health magazine showed how women around the world spend money on beauty products and feel about themselves. One of several interesting facts is that 38% of Indian women say they own zero skin-care products. This is almost unheard of in the United States where we believe skincare is necessary in the fight against aging. Women in Italy feel they actually look younger than they are but not so with the Americans. Our females think that they often appear stressed, fatigued, and older than their actual age. Over 90% of British women have never seen a dermatologist and it is a very rare event for them to indulge in a facial. Girls in Germany and Italy enjoy wearing mascara more than any other cosmetic and apply it daily. Women in China report that they are most concerned with whitening their teeth and love wearing red lipstick (a spectacular combination if they get it right). Women in Australia dream of body massages (over 73% would spend their paycheck on it) and 52% of Korean females would dip into their pockets for skin-lightening. Overall, Americans spend $39 a month on beauty treatments while the highest amount is spent in Italy. Italian women claim they spend an average $71 a month on their cosmetic rituals. The women happiest with their looks are the Argentine and Canadian, while the Japanese and French are less likely to smile when looking in the mirror. This was a surprisingly fact about the French, as Parisian women still set the global standard for beauty and chic.
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