Biodynamic® farming is considered the “original organic” method and was first conceived of over eighty years ago by the prophetic thinker, Rudolf Steiner. Over the last hundred years, farming practices have become highly industrialized, with less reverence and little respect given to nature. The soil, plants, and our atmosphere are losing their vitality and becoming increasingly polluted due to an overreliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The biodynamic® farming method closely follows the planetary rhythms and their effect on the environment. Biodynamics offers a way to sow the land, while healing the soil. Such farmers may employ some scientifically-derived farming techniques but primarily embrace a more spiritual and natural approach to agriculture, which is far better for the earth and its inhabitants.
Biodynamic® farmers study nature’s true pulse. They use organic, nutritive compost and add fermented mineral and herb compounds to enrich the soil and promote healthy plant growth. These farmers are sensitive to their crops natural cycles. They refer to an astronomical planting and sowing calendar to determine the optimal times for harvesting. Some even wait for particular lunar phases before seed planting because they believe that a strong relationship exists between the earth and the heavens. Biodynamic® farms are fully sustainable, unified environments where plants, animals and insects live and grow in harmony. This super-organic method offers the ideal environment for cultivating wholesome foods, which are rich in nutrients and lack exposure to potentially harmful chemicals or pesticides. It has also yielded über-ingredients to skincare and cosmetic formulations and is changing the face of today’s natural beauty industry.
Organic foods are known for their appreciable health benefits. Biodynamic® farmers go a step further, picking their produce not only when it’s ripe but also consider the optimal time for the soil’s regeneration. These fresh, toxin-free fruits and vegetables are packed full of vitamins and minerals. The same pure and powerful nutritive ingredients can be found in beauty products with components that have been biodynamically harvested. Biodynamic® beauty preparations are ideal for people who recognize that their skin is a living organism that needs considerate care. Our skin and bodies go through changes both seasonally and through aging, as does the earth in her rhythms and seasons. A biodynamic® approach to beauty fosters a fluid and organic relationship with the land. It promotes health and beauty for one’s self and strength and sustenance for the soil.
While there are not yet any products that are 100% biodynamic®, there are many current formulations on the market that do contain these superior ingredients, such as plants, flowers, herbs and roots. Plants are cultivated on biodyanmic® farms and thrive in such a healthy environment. Plant extracts contain a remarkable amount of beautifying and healing properties and have been an important part of homeopathic medicine for years. Biodynamic® plants offer a wealth of beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, and nutrients which stimulate regeneration on the surface of the skin. Their fatty material is also being used as a thickener and emollient in some of today’s most natural beauty prepartions.
The mainstream beauty industry realizes the beneficial properties of natural ingredients and has been advertising their inclusion in many products. However, they often use trace amounts of material and then surround it with preservatives and other potentially harmful chemicals. This process is commonly referred to as “green-washing”. An example of a natural ingredient currently being mass marketed is the grape. Grape seed extract is heralded in everything from shampoo and hair-color to skin moisturizers and facial serums. Grapes deserve these accolades because their seeds are packed with concentrated antioxidants which fight free-radicals and are a potent part of an anti-aging regime. However, the best extract that offers maximum benefits comes from the seeds of “super grapes” grown in biodynamic® soil.
True biodynamic® beauty preparations do not contain parabens, sulfates, petroleum, artificial colors or fragrances. Such additives certainly cannot be grown on a farm and their inclusion goes against the basic philosophy of biodynamics®. The human body also more readily accepts products with pure harvested ingredients. Most biodynamic® products aren’t tested on animals and are made by people who have a profound respect for all life. Such products come in the form of body and aromatherapy treatments such as: essential oils, body lotions, bath salts, and massage oils. They are found in natural beauty products like: moisturizers, antioxidants, serums, vitamin compounds, masks and cleansers. Biodynamic® ingredients provide solutions for skin toning, exfoliating, cleansing, softening, clarifying and soothing. The most organic of sunscreens, hair care, and the safest of baby care products contain biodynamic® ingredients. There are also products for pampering and relaxation which allow people to feel good and support their commitment to the land.
Biodynamic® products can be purchased in stores, bought online, and are carried in eco-conscious spas all over the world. They can be found throughout Europe and countries such as the United States, Canada, Africa and New Zealand. The best ways for consumers to be assured that a product contains biodynamic® ingredients is look for certification. Some products may come from companies which are eco-friendly but don’t derive any components from actual biodynamic® agriculture. Most companies that include these ingredients in their products are proud of their commitment to the earth and freely disclose information about the source of their raw material. The best companies with biodynamic® components even have their own certified farms where they grow and harvest powerful and environmentally friendly ingredients.
How to Guarantee Products are Really Biodynamic®
Nature has provided the raw material to make us healthy, vibrant and beautiful. Some of these ingredients can be pulled directly from the earth and put right onto our skin. However, with many current soil pollutants, most of us unfortunately won’t know the true condition of the ground from which it has come. We may not live in an area that’s suited to grow particular crops or be aware of the beauty benefits of many natural components. It’s also not always practical for someone to become a part-time farmer. The best way to ensure that materials we use truly are from pure environments is look for products that have been certified as either organic or, if wanting to go that greener step further, biodynamic®.
There is not one international standard for biodynamics®. Countries have their own regulations which are recognized within their borders. However, some certifications are still acknowledgedby the international community. One such organization is the Demeter Association. Originating in the United States, the Demeter Association is a non-profit organization that provides the reigning global standard for biodynamic® products, packaging, and processing. They state, “Demeter’s mission is to improve the health of the planet and its people by certification of products whose ingredients are grown and processed according to the highest agricultural and environmental standards.” Foods and products with the Demeter symbol guarantees that they have been produced under whole farm biodynamic® conditions, as opposed to a certain area of a farm or just one crop, and under internationally recognized standards. Demeter-USA ensures these practices in all of North America, while the Demeter Association has a network of ecological organizations furthering biodynamics® in forty-five countries.
We want to sustain our world and keep it strong for future generations. We want to nourish and sustain our inner environment with healthy, organic foods. We want to know the earth being cared for and yet still continue to care for the most personal terrain of all – our own skin. Today the biodynamic® movement and its expansion into the natural beauty business give us a powerful alternative. Choosing personal care products with biodynamic® components supports agricultural efforts which nourish the soil. It also supplies products to consumers with concentrated, natural and nutritious materials that give the most appreciable benefits. Biodynamic ® farms sustain the earth, while ingredients from their fields cultivate the very best of biodynamic® beauty.
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